our vision

Iraya Farms is building farming communities through cutting-edge farming technologies/processes and social enterprise, empowered by people with faith and patriotism; driven by a culture of caring and sharing, dedicated to eradicate poverty and restore human dignity.
our goal

To render the poor farmers less poor by teaching them how to optimize rice production rather than giving them a bowl of rice today. In the process take a bite out of the country's dependence on imported rice.

Iraya Farms leases the land from the farmers on a “NET 50/50” split and hire them as partner workers. Iraya Farms funds, operates and manages the entire value chain from land preparation to marketing. For the more financially, technically and socially advanced, we provide technology transfer and economies of scale. Employing Gawad Kalinga's Big-Middle-Little Brother enterprise template, we install a team of seasoned business managers and farm technicians to run each farm as a business. We employ the farmers and their families so they can sustain themselves between harvests.
Using the SL Agritech's hybrid seeds, we employ cutting-edge farming technologies/processes, full mechanization and sound business practices. Not only do we provide an immediate income lift for the marginalized farmers, we keep the operations profitable in order to continue helping.
Using the SL Agritech's hybrid seeds, we employ cutting-edge farming technologies/processes, full mechanization and sound business practices. Not only do we provide an immediate income lift for the marginalized farmers, we keep the operations profitable in order to continue helping.